Source code for aacgmv2.wrapper

# Copyright (C) 2019 NRL
# Author: Angeline Burrell
# Disclaimer: This code is under the MIT license, whose details can be found at
# the root in the LICENSE file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Pythonic wrappers for AACGM-V2 C functions."""

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import os

import aacgmv2
import aacgmv2._aacgmv2 as c_aacgmv2
from aacgmv2._aacgmv2 import TRACE, ALLOWTRACE, BADIDEA

[docs]def test_time(dtime): """Test the time input and ensure it is a dt.datetime object. Parameters ---------- dtime : any Time input in an untested format Returns ------- dtime : dt.datetime Time as a datetime object Raises ------ ValueError If time is not a or dt.datetime object """ if isinstance(dtime, # Because datetime objects identify as both and dt.datetime, # you need an extra test here to ensure you don't lose the time # attributes if not isinstance(dtime, dt.datetime): dtime = dt.datetime.combine(dtime, dt.time(0)) elif not isinstance(dtime, dt.datetime): raise ValueError('time variable (dtime) must be a datetime object') return dtime
[docs]def test_height(height, bit_code): """Test the input height and ensure it is appropriate for the method. Parameters ---------- height : float Height to test in km bit_code : int Code string denoting method to use Returns ------- good_height : bool True if height and method are appropriate, False if not Notes ----- Appropriate altitude ranges for the different methods are explored in Shepherd (2014). Summarized, they are: 1. Coefficients: 0-2000 km 2. Tracing: 0-1 Earth Radius Altitudes below zero will work, but will not provide a good representation of the magnetic field because it goes beyond the intended scope of these coordiantes. If you use the 'BADIDEA' code, you can bypass all constraints, but it is a Bad Idea! If you include a high enough altiutde, the code may hang. """ # Test for heights that are allowed but not within the intended scope # of the coordinate system. The routine will work, but the user should # be aware that the results are not as reliable if height < 0: aacgmv2.logger.warning('conversion not intended for altitudes < 0 km') # Test the conditions for using the coefficient method trace_opt = (TRACE | ALLOWTRACE | BADIDEA) if height > aacgmv2.high_alt_coeff and not (bit_code & trace_opt): estr = ''.join(['coefficients are not valid for altitudes above ', '{:.0f} km. You '.format(aacgmv2.high_alt_coeff), 'must either use field-line tracing (trace=True or', ' allowtrace=True) or indicate you know this is a', ' bad idea']) aacgmv2.logger.error(estr) return False # Test the conditions for using the tracing method if height > aacgmv2.high_alt_trace and not (bit_code & BADIDEA): estr = ''.join(['these coordinates are not intended for the ', 'magnetosphere! You must indicate that you know ', 'this is a bad idea. If you continue, it is ', 'possible that the code will hang.']) aacgmv2.logger.error(estr) return False return True
[docs]def set_coeff_path(igrf_file=False, coeff_prefix=False): """Set the IGRF_COEFF and AACGMV_V2_DAT_PREFIX environment variables. Parameters ---------- igrf_file : str or bool Full filename of IGRF coefficient file, True to use aacgmv2.IGRF_COEFFS, or False to leave as is. (default=False) coeff_prefix : str or bool Location and file prefix for aacgm coefficient files, True to use aacgmv2.AACGM_V2_DAT_PREFIX, or False to leave as is. (default=False) """ # Define coefficient file prefix if requested if coeff_prefix is not False: # Use the default value, if one was not supplied (allow None to # comply with depricated behaviour) if coeff_prefix is True or coeff_prefix is None: coeff_prefix = aacgmv2.AACGM_v2_DAT_PREFIX if hasattr(os, "unsetenv"): os.unsetenv('AACGM_v2_DAT_PREFIX') else: del os.environ['AACGM_v2_DAT_PREFIX'] os.environ['AACGM_v2_DAT_PREFIX'] = coeff_prefix # Define IGRF file if requested if igrf_file is not False: # Use the default value, if one was not supplied (allow None to # comply with depricated behaviour) if igrf_file is True or igrf_file is None: igrf_file = aacgmv2.IGRF_COEFFS if hasattr(os, "unsetenv"): os.unsetenv('IGRF_COEFFS') else: del os.environ['IGRF_COEFFS'] os.environ['IGRF_COEFFS'] = igrf_file return
[docs]def convert_latlon(in_lat, in_lon, height, dtime, method_code="G2A"): """Convert between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates. Parameters ---------- in_lat : float Input latitude in degrees N (code specifies type of latitude) in_lon : float Input longitude in degrees E (code specifies type of longitude) height : float Altitude above the surface of the earth in km dtime : dt.datetime Datetime for magnetic field method_code : str or int Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform (default="G2A") G2A Geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2 A2G AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic) TRACE Use field-line tracing, not coefficients ALLOWTRACE Use trace only above 2000 km BADIDEA Use coefficients above 2000 km GEOCENTRIC Assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2 Returns ------- out_lat : float Output latitude in degrees N out_lon : float Output longitude in degrees E out_r : float Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of the Earth (km) Raises ------ ValueError If input is incorrect. RuntimeError If unable to set AACGMV2 datetime. """ # Test time dtime = test_time(dtime) # Initialise output lat_out = np.nan lon_out = np.nan r_out = np.nan # Set the coordinate coversion method code in bits try: bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(method_code.upper()) except AttributeError: bit_code = method_code if not isinstance(bit_code, int): raise ValueError("unknown method code {:}".format(method_code)) # Test height that may or may not cause failure if not test_height(height, bit_code): return lat_out, lon_out, r_out # Test latitude range if abs(in_lat) > 90.0: # Allow latitudes with a small deviation from the maximum # (+/- 90 degrees) to be set to 90 if abs(in_lat) > 90.1: raise ValueError('unrealistic latitude') in_lat = np.sign(in_lat) * 90.0 # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180 in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0 # Set current date and time try: c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month,, dtime.hour, dtime.minute, dtime.second) except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as err: raise RuntimeError("cannot set time for {:}: {:}".format(dtime, err)) # convert location try: lat_out, lon_out, r_out = c_aacgmv2.convert(in_lat, in_lon, height, bit_code) except Exception as err: estr = "".join(["unable to perform conversion at {:.1f}".format(in_lat), ", {:.1f} {:.1f} km, {:}".format(in_lon, height, dtime), " using method {:} <{:}>. Recall".format(bit_code, err), " that AACGMV2 is undefined near the equator."]) aacgmv2.logger.warning(estr) pass return lat_out, lon_out, r_out
[docs]def convert_latlon_arr(in_lat, in_lon, height, dtime, method_code="G2A"): """Convert between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates. Parameters ---------- in_lat : np.ndarray, list, or float Input latitude in degrees N (method_code specifies type of latitude) in_lon : np.ndarray or list or float Input longitude in degrees E (method_code specifies type of longitude) height : np.ndarray or list or float Altitude above the surface of the earth in km dtime : dt.datetime Single datetime object for magnetic field method_code : int or str Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform (default="G2A") G2A Geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2 A2G AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic) TRACE Use field-line tracing, not coefficients ALLOWTRACE Use trace only above 2000 km BADIDEA Use coefficients above 2000 km GEOCENTRIC Assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2 Returns ------- out_lat : np.ndarray Output latitudes in degrees N out_lon : np.ndarray Output longitudes in degrees E out_r : np.ndarray Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of the Earth (km) Raises ------ ValueError If input is incorrect. RuntimeError If unable to set AACGMV2 datetime. Notes ----- At least one of in_lat, in_lon, and height must be a list or array. If errors are encountered, NaN or Inf will be included in the input so that all successful calculations are returned. To select only good values use a function like `np.isfinite`. Multi-dimensional arrays are not allowed. """ # Recast the data as numpy arrays in_lat = np.array(in_lat) in_lon = np.array(in_lon) height = np.array(height) # If one or two of these elements is a float, int, or single element array, # create an array equal to the length of the longest input test_array = np.array([len(in_lat.shape), len(in_lon.shape), len(height.shape)]) if test_array.max() > 1: raise ValueError("unable to process multi-dimensional arrays") else: if test_array.max() == 0:"".join(["for a single location, consider ", "using convert_latlon or ", "get_aacgm_coord"])) in_lat = np.array([in_lat]) in_lon = np.array([in_lon]) height = np.array([height]) else: max_len = max([len(arr) for i, arr in enumerate([in_lat, in_lon, height]) if test_array[i] > 0]) if not test_array[0] or (len(in_lat) == 1 and max_len > 1): in_lat = np.full(shape=(max_len,), fill_value=in_lat) if not test_array[1] or (len(in_lon) == 1 and max_len > 1): in_lon = np.full(shape=(max_len,), fill_value=in_lon) if not test_array[2] or (len(height) == 1 and max_len > 1): height = np.full(shape=(max_len,), fill_value=height) # Ensure that lat, lon, and height are the same length or if the lengths # differ that the different ones contain only a single value if not (in_lat.shape == in_lon.shape and in_lat.shape == height.shape): raise ValueError('lat, lon, and height arrays are mismatched') # Test time dtime = test_time(dtime) # Initialise output lat_out = np.full(shape=in_lat.shape, fill_value=np.nan) lon_out = np.full(shape=in_lon.shape, fill_value=np.nan) r_out = np.full(shape=height.shape, fill_value=np.nan) # Test and set the conversion method code try: bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(method_code.upper()) except AttributeError: bit_code = method_code if not isinstance(bit_code, int): raise ValueError("unknown method code {:}".format(method_code)) # Test height if not test_height(np.nanmax(height), bit_code): return lat_out, lon_out, r_out # Test latitude range if np.abs(in_lat).max() > 90.0: if np.abs(in_lat).max() > 90.1: raise ValueError('unrealistic latitude') in_lat = np.clip(in_lat, -90.0, 90.0) # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180 in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0 # Set current date and time try: c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month,, dtime.hour, dtime.minute, dtime.second) except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as err: raise RuntimeError("cannot set time for {:}: {:}".format(dtime, err)) try: lat_out, lon_out, r_out, bad_ind = c_aacgmv2.convert_arr(list(in_lat), list(in_lon), list(height), bit_code) # Cast the output as numpy arrays or masks lat_out = np.array(lat_out) lon_out = np.array(lon_out) r_out = np.array(r_out) bad_ind = np.array(bad_ind) >= 0 # Replace any bad indices with NaN, casting output as numpy arrays if np.any(bad_ind): lat_out[bad_ind] = np.nan lon_out[bad_ind] = np.nan r_out[bad_ind] = np.nan except SystemError as serr: aacgmv2.logger.warning('C Error encountered: {:}'.format(serr)) return lat_out, lon_out, r_out
[docs]def get_aacgm_coord(glat, glon, height, dtime, method="ALLOWTRACE"): """Get AACGM latitude, longitude, and magnetic local time. Parameters ---------- glat : float Geodetic latitude in degrees N glon : float Geodetic longitude in degrees E height : float Altitude above the surface of the earth in km dtime : dt.datetime Date and time to calculate magnetic location method : str The type(s) of conversion to perform (default="ALLOWTRACE") TRACE Use field-line tracing, not coefficients ALLOWTRACE Use trace only above 2000 km BADIDEA Use coefficients above 2000 km GEOCENTRIC Assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2 Returns ------- mlat : float Magnetic latitude in degrees N mlon : float Magnetic longitude in degrees E mlt : float Magnetic local time in hours """ # Initialize method code method_code = "G2A|{:s}".format(method) # Get magnetic lat and lon. mlat, mlon, _ = convert_latlon(glat, glon, height, dtime, method_code=method_code) # Get magnetic local time (output is always an array, so extract value) mlt = np.nan if np.isnan(mlon) else convert_mlt(mlon, dtime, m2a=False)[0] return mlat, mlon, mlt
[docs]def get_aacgm_coord_arr(glat, glon, height, dtime, method="ALLOWTRACE"): """Get AACGM latitude, longitude, and magnetic local time. Parameters ---------- glat : np.array or list Geodetic latitude in degrees N glon : np.array or list Geodetic longitude in degrees E height : np.array or list Altitude above the surface of the earth in km dtime : dt.datetime Date and time to calculate magnetic location method : str The type(s) of conversion to perform (default="ALLOWTRACE") TRACE Use field-line tracing, not coefficients ALLOWTRACE Use trace only above 2000 km BADIDEA Use coefficients above 2000 km GEOCENTRIC Assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2 Returns ------- mlat : float Magnetic latitude in degrees N mlon : float Magnetic longitude in degrees E mlt : float Magnetic local time in hours """ # Initialize method code method_code = "G2A|{:s}".format(method) # Get magnetic lat and lon. mlat, mlon, _ = convert_latlon_arr(glat, glon, height, dtime, method_code=method_code) if np.any(np.isfinite(mlon)): # Get magnetic local time mlt = convert_mlt(mlon, dtime, m2a=False) else: mlt = np.full(shape=len(mlat), fill_value=np.nan) return mlat, mlon, mlt
[docs]def convert_str_to_bit(method_code): """Convert string code specification to bit code specification. Parameters ---------- method_code : str Bitwise code for passing options into converter: G2A Geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2 A2G AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic) TRACE Use field-line tracing, not coefficients ALLOWTRACE Use trace only above 2000 km BADIDEA Use coefficients above 2000 km GEOCENTRIC Assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2 Returns ------- bit_code : int Method code specification in bits Notes ----- Multiple codes should be seperated by pipes `|`. Invalid parts of the code are ignored and no code defaults to 'G2A'. """ convert_code = {"G2A": c_aacgmv2.G2A, "A2G": c_aacgmv2.A2G, "TRACE": c_aacgmv2.TRACE, "BADIDEA": c_aacgmv2.BADIDEA, "GEOCENTRIC": c_aacgmv2.GEOCENTRIC, "ALLOWTRACE": c_aacgmv2.ALLOWTRACE} # Force upper case, remove any spaces, and split along pipes method_codes = method_code.upper().replace(" ", "").split("|") # Add the valid parts of the code, invalid elements are ignored bit_code = sum([convert_code[k] for k in method_codes if k in convert_code.keys()]) return bit_code
[docs]def convert_bool_to_bit(a2g=False, trace=False, allowtrace=False, badidea=False, geocentric=False): """Convert boolian flags to bit code specification. Parameters ---------- a2g : bool True for AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic), False otherwise (default=False) trace : bool If True, use field-line tracing, not coefficients (default=False) allowtrace : bool If True, use trace only above 2000 km (default=False) badidea : bool If True, use coefficients above 2000 km (default=False) geocentric : bool True for geodetic, False for geocentric w/RE=6371.2 (default=False) Returns ------- bit_code : int code specification in bits """ bit_code = c_aacgmv2.A2G if a2g else c_aacgmv2.G2A if trace: bit_code += c_aacgmv2.TRACE if allowtrace: bit_code += c_aacgmv2.ALLOWTRACE if badidea: bit_code += c_aacgmv2.BADIDEA if geocentric: bit_code += c_aacgmv2.GEOCENTRIC return bit_code
[docs]def convert_mlt(arr, dtime, m2a=False): """Converts between magnetic local time (MLT) and AACGM-v2 longitude. Parameters ---------- arr : array-like or float Magnetic longitudes (degrees E) or MLTs (hours) to convert dtime : array-like or dt.datetime Date and time for MLT conversion in Universal Time (UT). m2a : bool Convert MLT to AACGM-v2 longitude (True) or magnetic longitude to MLT (False). (default=False) Returns ------- out : np.ndarray Converted coordinates/MLT in degrees E or hours (as appropriate) Notes ----- This routine previously based on Laundal et al. 2016, but now uses the improved calculation available in AACGM-V2.4. """ arr = np.asarray(arr) if arr.shape == (): arr = np.array([arr]) if len(arr.shape) > 1: raise ValueError("unable to process multi-dimensional arrays") # Test time try: dtime = test_time(dtime) years = [dtime.year for dd in arr] months = [dtime.month for dd in arr] days = [ for dd in arr] hours = [dtime.hour for dd in arr] minutes = [dtime.minute for dd in arr] seconds = [dtime.second for dd in arr] except ValueError as verr: dtime = np.asarray(dtime) if dtime.shape == (): raise ValueError(verr) elif dtime.shape != arr.shape: raise ValueError("array input for datetime and MLon/MLT must match") years = [dd.year for dd in dtime] months = [dd.month for dd in dtime] days = [ for dd in dtime] hours = [dd.hour for dd in dtime] minutes = [dd.minute for dd in dtime] seconds = [dd.second for dd in dtime] arr = list(arr) # Calculate desired location, C routines set date and time if m2a: # Get the magnetic longitude if len(arr) == 1: out = c_aacgmv2.inv_mlt_convert(years[0], months[0], days[0], hours[0], minutes[0], seconds[0], arr[0]) out = np.array([out]) else: out = c_aacgmv2.inv_mlt_convert_arr(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, arr) else: # Get magnetic local time if len(arr) == 1: out = c_aacgmv2.mlt_convert(years[0], months[0], days[0], hours[0], minutes[0], seconds[0], arr[0]) out = np.array([out]) else: out = np.array(c_aacgmv2.mlt_convert_arr(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, arr)) return out